For high-channel-count test systems, maintaining the system and the data collected can be extremely difficult if you do not have the right tools to simplify and manage the process. Oftentimes, organizations try to cut corners when it comes to managing high-channel-count system configurations because it can take just as much time and resources to develop the right management tools as it takes to develop the actual test applications.
Additionally, configurability and integration are important aspects of all systems, but the necessity increases as systems become more complex and have more channels. Large systems must allow for flexibility and configurability from the highest level – admins – to the lowest level – the individual users. Many high-channel-count systems also need the ability to seamlessly integrate data from external test and measurement systems.
This whitepaper explores how taking advantage of three features – a configuration management interface, configurable user interfaces (UIs), and derived channels – can help ensure your high-channel-count systems are designed to be highly configurable and easy to integrate with other systems in your facility.
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